Equa Tu

Music Video Production

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Project: Meine Oma Musikvideo
Client: Busch-Stiftung " Seniorenhilfe"

In cooperation with the Busch-Stiftung Seniorenhilfe, our team had the great opportunity to realize an impressive video production for the talented singer Equa Tu on the topic of Alzheimer's disease. In terms of visual language, costume and creative presentation, we were able to develop to our full potential. Equa Tu made a music video based on his personal experiences. His beloved grandmother, who passed away in 2014, suffered from Alzheimer's disease.

Together with his family, he has lived through the difficult journey of Alzheimer's dementia and experienced first-hand the enormous impact this disease has on the sufferer and their relatives. With his touching song "Meine Oma" he not only wants to commemorate his grandmother, but also create a platform to bring the sensitive topic of Alzheimer's disease to the public.

The Busch-Stiftung Seniorenhilfe supports older people in various areas of life in order to improve their quality of life and enable them to live with dignity in old age. The foundation offers financial support, social projects, educational and recreational opportunities, and consulting services. Through its cooperation with institutions and organizations, it specifically supports seniors in need.

Busch-Stiftung: http://www.busch-stiftung.de/


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